Teacher's Area

Desk Copy Request

Thank you for your interest in Contemponet textbooks.

To request a desk copy, please complete the request form which includes some mandatory fields to inform us about your course. Those fields include information about your course such as title, course number, anticipated number of students, start date, etc. as well as your complete contact information. We need this information to complete your request.

Please note that Contemponet reserves the right to limit the number of copies and titles any one person or institution may receive. Desk copies are available for any textbook that has been assigned as a primary (not “suggested”) text in a scheduled class for the current or following term and is on order with a bookstore.

  • Only requests with a University email address will be considered.
  • All desk copies are provided at our discretion.
  • Digital editions of our books will be provided only for iOS and OSX systems.